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Hey mate,

I'm a Dutch country boy, from the small down south in The Netherlands. Having grown up in a small country town, talking about my emotional well-being wasn't something I'd learned growing up.

As childhood and its challenges went on, I found a bunch of unhealthy and unsustainable ways to deal with my emotions and the challenges life threw at me. Drinking, lots of drugs, sex, porn and training. I've abused them all, at least for a certain amount of time in my life.


In an attempt to heal myself, I went to do a Bachelor of Social Work, which  helped me to move into the direction I was meant to go. I left home after finishing school, which has been just over 6 years.



My Story

A holistic approach to my healing journey has brought me on the path I'm on - sharing my knowledge with other men. Helping other men connect with their true selves, heal wounds and become the man they've envisioned to be.


I teach men how to feel, so they can live a life free of suffering, free from unhealthy vices, and so they can improve the relationship they have with themselves, so they can improve the relationships they have with others in their lives.


I offer retreats on different places around the world, and I also offer 1:1 coaching, to those who are ready to commit to their healing journey, and want to make real change.

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

+66 98 484 6530

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